Who Are We?
We moved into our current location, 10 acres of hayland on the edge of a coulee, in 2012. Although it's not exactly the ideal landscape for developing shelterbelts, we knew we'd make it work!
After several years spending countless hours weeding, tilling, mowing and watering tiny seedlings, we started to find out what worked and what didn't. Our first realization? The success rate of seedlings (~50%) was not worth the time investment. We love to get our hands dirty, but we like to see results! We also found retailers didn't provide trees suitable for our climate, were far too large and expensive to consider planting 100's of them, and any information about the trees was basically limited to what the tag on the tree read.
So, out of trial and error, Swift Tree Centre was born! We grow and sell trees that are big enough to avoid with equipment, hardy enough to compete with some weeds, and small enough to plant with a shovel. Trees we don't sell this year, will be sold next year. Or the year after that. Growing them in pots, outdoors, summer and winter means that we can call our trees "Saskatchewan hardy" with confidence. Keeping all facets of our business in-house means that we can respond quickly and personally to all inquiries.
From Us to You, Thank You!
Lyle, Kyla, Bella and Waylon Thomson